Anxiety is a sense of worry over normal everyday events. You may be anxious about things that are about to happen or what you think could happen in the future.
Anxiety can be experienced through thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations.
Here are some responses to fear and anxiety. Do you have many of these symptoms?
Menopause and anxiety
Anxiety is one of the common symptoms during the menopausal years.
Both anxiety and sleep disturbances increase during menopause. Anxiety and sleep disturbances are interlinked. This can lead to various other menopausal problems, such as memory lapses and headaches.
According to Psychiatry Advisor, anxiety and depression are linked to an imbalance within the central nervous system. Fluctuations in oestrogen levels during perimenopause can alter the hormonal systems, and this may lead to changes in mood.
When the level of oestrogen is high, you feel well. As levels drop, symptoms such as low mood and anxiety can set in.
Anxiety may also be triggered by an overactive thyroid gland, and this becomes more common with age.
Realise that these feelings of anxiety may be temporary if they are related to hormonal changes. Once you are post-menopause hormone-related anxiety may start to ease.
Tips to help deal with anxiety during menopause
Tip 1
It is important to maintain a healthy diet and do regular exercise to minimise health problems and promote self-esteem and well-being.
Weight-bearing exercise, such as walking and running, helps to maintain bone health.
Tip 2
Try and get adequate sleep to reduce symptoms.
Tip 3
Keep a diary of the positives and challenge the negative thoughts. Make a note of patterns in other factors such as sleep and stress levels.
Tip 4
Make time to laugh as humour can help with tension, and helps stimulate immune systems.
Tip 5
Reach out to others and don’t struggle alone.
Homeopathy for anxiety during menopause
Homeopathy may be beneficial in reducing menopausal symptoms of anxiety, stress and low mood, hot flushes, and sweats, amongst others.
This is an area where you may really benefit from homeopathic treatment with a homeopath, to get you through this transition period in your life. The homeopathic treatment will be tailored to you based on your specific symptoms and your health history.
If menopause has left you feeling anxious or out of balance, you're not alone. To help you navigate this time naturally, I’ve created a FREE Menopause Relief Guide filled with holistic strategies, self-care tips, and insights on how homeopathy can help ease symptoms like anxiety.
Download your guide to start feeling more grounded and in control.
Next steps
And if you’d like one-on-one support, I offer a comprehensive Homeopathy for Menopause Treatment Plan to guide you through menopause with personalised care.
The first step is to book a free 30 minute discovery call. During this call, we talk about you, your symptoms, and how they are affecting you. I will ask you some questions to see if homeopathy may be beneficial to you.
I am always happy to hear from you.
Naziana x