10 things to do for better sleep during menopause

Updated: 5 days ago

I am currently reading 'Why we Sleep' by Matthew Walker'. It is a fascinating book and the subject of sleep is something that I am really interested in.

Do you suffer from some type of insomnia?

Unable to switch off and fall asleep?

Having no difficulty falling asleep but wake up night after night?

Or you keep waking up early every morning?

Approximately one-third of adults in the UK suffer from some type of sleep disorder. An occasional night of bad sleep will make you feel tired and most likely irritable. After several sleepless nights, the mental, emotional, and physical effects can become more serious.

Sleeplessness During Menopause

During menopause, sleeplessness is even more common. Hot flushes during menopause cause wakefulness during the night and are due to changes in oestrogen levels.
Wakefulness can lead to anxiety about getting to sleep.

How you behave as a result of wakefulness makes a big difference.

After a few bad nights of sleep, you may feel annoyed and irritated. You realise you haven’t slept for many hours during the night.

Sometimes by worrying about the amount of sleep you are having, the more you spend in bed awake. What can then happen is that you may then start to have negative feelings about bed and sleeping.

Make relaxation your goal rather than sleep. This avoids that negative feeling about sleep. Although it is not a replacement for sleep, relaxation can help rejuvenate your body. By focusing on relaxing you may eventually fall asleep.

Tips for better sleep

Tip 1 - Sleep and routine

Go to bed at the same time every evening and wake up at the same time every day, even at weekends.

Tip 2 - Sleep and blue light

Limit your exposure to light in the hours leading up to going to bed. This includes blue light emitted from mobiles and laptops.

Tip 3 - Sleep and relaxation

Try to relax before going to bed. One of the things that could help is an Epsom Salts bath. Reading a book may also help you switch off.

Tip 4 - Sleep and darkness

When it is time to sleep ensure that the room is dark.

Tip 5 - Sleep and comfort

Make your bedroom comfortable. The optimal temperature for the bedroom is 18 degrees centigrade.

Tip 6 - Sleep and substances to avoid

Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol late in the day.

Tip 7 - Sleep and diet

Cut back on sugary foods and refined carbs.

Tip 8 - Sleep and exercise

Get regular exercise. Exercising regularly may help you sleep better at night and feel less sleepy during the day. However, it is best not to exercise too close to the time you go to bed.

Tip 9 - Sleep and stress

Write down a brain dump of the day and your plans as this will stop you from thinking about all the things that you need to do. Stress, worry, and anger from your day can make it difficult to sleep well. Try to reduce your overall stress level and not worry as much (I know, easier said than done!) to make it easier to unwind at night.

Tip 10 - Sleep and homeopathy

Homeopathy may help sleep issues during menopause, along with other menopausal symptoms.

Homeopathy for Better Sleep

There are a number of homeopathic remedies that may help with acute sleeplessness, such as Coffea cruda, Cocculus indicus, Graphites, although there are many more.

When sleeplessness becomes chronic (when there is sleeplessness 3 times a week for 3 months or more), the causation needs to be investigated. The most beneficial homeopathic remedies will then be based on all your symptoms both emotional and physical. This is when it is probably best to work with a homeopath.

There have been a few studies on the impact of homeopathy for sleeplessness, such as those reported in The Natural Library of Medicine. This study concluded that individualised homeopathy seemed to produce a significantly better effect than placebo.

Homeopathy and sleeplessness is an area of special interest for me. I help run a Facebook Group called 'Sleep Well with Homeopathy', which I invite you to join.

I also have written a Homeopathy for Better Sleep Ebook, which you may like to download for free.

Is homeopathy for you?

Homeopathy is used all over the world for so many health issues including insomnia. If you feel that sleeplessness is impacting your life, feel free to contact me if you think I may be able to help.

Next steps

If you would like to speak to me about how homeopathy may help with your sleeplessness I offer a free 30 minute discovery call. During this call, we talk about you, your symptoms, and how they are affecting you. I will ask you some questions to see if homeopathy may be beneficial to you.

I am always happy to hear from you.

Naziana x